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For Companies


Does your organization?

1.   Hire  entry-level to mid-career talent?
2.   Take a proactive approach to talent acquisition?
3.    Prioritize a culture of collaboration and mentorship?
4.    Recognize the importance of building relationships with talent?
5.    Offer clear growth pathways for your employees?

If so, then we’re a match!
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62% of Gen Z have discovered job opportunities on social media

(ZIPPA, 2023)

Connect with ambitious young professionals where they are at.

Attract talent regardless of your team size and marketing budget
Provide your employees with a tool to discover like-minded professionals
Enhance the candidate experience and decrease turnover
  • One year access to Stryke talent network

  • Unlimited messaging

  • Unlimited job postings

  • Personalized recruiting profile

  • Relationship management system

  • Email support

  • Access to more young professionals across social platforms

  • Additional candidate touch points

  • Five total recruiting profiles

  • On-boarding session

  • Phone support (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm)

  • Flat-fee  placement services

  • Employer brand review & recommendations

  • Company culture assessment

  • Early-career recruitment strategy enhancements

Schedule a Demo

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